Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another year is passing

Back when I was a young...   and dinosaurs roamed the area,  lol
I remember my Mom telling me that time gets faster the older you get.
and I thought she was saying something dumb...
But you know what?  again, Mom was right about something!

It's hard to believe we are at the end of another year..   what happened to 2015?
It has sailed by..  hard to believe we are putting away another year!

2015 has been a year of  different challenges and rewards

But I have to say for the most part it has been a great year..more rewards than challenges!

We have our health, no one of my family went to jail!  that's always a good thing! lol
And my dog hasn't bit me once this year!  that I would say is a success story!

2015 has been a GREAT year!     I hope who ever is reading this, had a GREAT 2015..
and I hope 2016 will be a better year for all!

God Bless!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Not even sure how to title this

This is one of those posts that is hard to come up with a title..
Maybe as I hammer this out I will figure out a title..
This has probably happened to lots of people,
But I want to take a moment and thank the guy who pushed me in a different direction.
Back 23yrs ago, after 5yrs off work for a back injury,  I found myself released to go
back to work..    and workers comp had given me 60 days to find a job or I would be cut off completely.
Spend 5yrs getting the maximum amount of work comp and not having to pay taxes,
knowing that even if you didnt get out of bed that day, you would still see a paycheck that
Friday..  it's easy to get addicted to the handout..
And hard to go back to work!
I remember looking at the ad's in the paper.. (this was pre-internet days)
and calling about different jobs, filling out job applications..
Even for contract jobs.  I needed something,  I had 3 young kids to feed and clothe along with
a house payment..  and I was getting desperate..  most places you apply at, they would ask why I didn't work for the past 5yrs..  and I'd explain about the back injury and the back surgeries and
that was a job killer..  now, the work comp insurance company and my former employer weren't
interested in paying some truck driver to get re-educated..  I would have to take them back to court..
That was money I didn't have..
So as I pounded the pavement looking for a job..   I was at one contract company applying for a
factory job in a foundry...   as I talked with the guy at the temp agency,  he told me he had something
better for me.. as long as I could type,,   and that it would be a better fit..
The job was taking inbound orders for Fingerhut..for Christmas...   I worked there for 6 weeks,
taking orders,  listening to some who just had to order another item they saw in the catalog
and they had just enough room on the credit card to get it..   man that was really sad to listen to.
But that order taking job, helped me land a better order taking job that was full-time..
That full time job after a year, gave me the experience to jump to the next level of
customer service, where I learned about pagers and customer service,
which after 2yrs at the paging company, I landed a job with a large Medical Device Manufacture taking phone calls in their answering service. along the way I picked up a few computer skills
since I had gone from dumb terminals to pc's.. (WIN 3.11 DOS 6.0)
Once in the Medical Device Manufacture, I picked up some more skills and so I was
fixing the computers for the area,  I had become the department tech..
mostly by defragging computers and cleaning temp files..
Such simple things but it was enough to impress management, that I needed to be hired full-time..
1 ended up in IT when they rolled out laptops to the sales force and supported the Sales Force for 6yrs before my supervisor at the time decided I was needed to be a full time desktop support tech..
where I stayed for 16yrs.. before jumping to another Medical Device Company where there were more opportunities to move forward.
But I really want to do is say "Thank You!"  to the person who directed me to the job at Fingerhut
rather than just filling as spot in the factory job..
I really have to give this person credit in helping me get to where I am today..

When the Government tells poor people how to live

I recently stumbled across an article in "The Atlantic"  titled "When the Government tells poor people how to live"
and ok,  this has caught my attention..
In Worcester MA.. it seems the head of the housing authority has been "encouraging" people to
improve their situation..
it you want an apartment, or want to stay in public housing, you now have to get a job or go back to school to better yourself.
First off..  it's a shocker that any government official would want you to improve yourself..
instead of just offering you more free government assistance...
But to also assign the residents with counselor to help with getting education and work with them
to make better life choices.. (God knows I could have used one of them a time or two!)
Some of the residents resented the push to improve their place in life..
Others according to the article was the push they needed to improve themselves
and not just suck on the government tit..
and there are some who's self esteem is so low they just wont improve their place in life,
I suspect all through history there were those at the bottom of society that never want to improve.
As I read the article, I was first thinking YES! it's about time something like this happened!
Even if it was in a liberal waste land..   and run by a Democrat!   that truly is a shocker in itself.
I applaud Ray Mariano for stepping up and pushing this program..
People need a hand up, not a continuous hand out..
and there are people that just need a push in the right direction to make something of themselves
and become a productive member of society..
Now come the other side of this..   I was excited to read about this and I hope it helps alot of people.
but then I become concerned about the over reach of government and the possibility of someday,
they start doing "job assignment" which in my opinion would be another form of socialism..
But in the meantime I want to applaud Mr Mariano for this efforts to give a hand up, and not another hand out.
here is the article..When the Government tells poor people how to live  

Monday, October 19, 2015

Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose?

Now that the fall riding season is upon us, and depending on the weather.
it can be short or a nice long fall riding season.

But because it's now mid-October I have decided to start running non-oxygenated
gas to make sure I have all the gas with ethanol run out of of my tank because
it's hard on the injectors and the rubber gaskets.
Plus gas with ethanol has a short shelf life.. and just because Stabil makes the claim
it solves that issue, they wont pay to get your carbs overhauled or your injectors fixed.
Good luck proving their product was at fault.
But I digress..    yesterday while out riding,  I thought about the gas station near my home
that sells non-oxygenated gas and since it a one hose per pump,
it pumps oxygenated and non-oxygenated gas through the same hose.
So I looked it up and got an answer of  1/3rd of a gallon..
Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose

So, I guess I am going to have to look at getting my non-oxygenated gas at a nearby
Kwik Trip that has separate hoses if I want to make sure to keep ethanol out of
my tank..
Just one of those weird thoughts that bounce through my head as I wander around on two wheels!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Gun Control PT 2

In my last post, I talked about the Oregon shooting and the POTUS talking more gun control before the bodies were even cold.
And those on the left with their "feel good" ideas of gun registration..

Here are two examples of mass killings with out using gun, and those calling for gun control
forget what Tim McVeigh did back in 1995  Oklahoma_City_bombing

On October 10, 2015 on MSN there is a story of 85 killed in two different blasts..
blasts-in-ankara-turkey kill-at-least-86
What I am saying is gun control that the POTUS and the left and the liberal media want will
not stop the mass killings..
Not when you have people with an agenda, mental illness, things like this will happen,
What I do find interesting is more of this happens when there is a Liberal is the POTUS..
Look at the mass shooting when Clinton was in office, and now Obama..
Yes, under Bush II there was a mass shootings, but when the left is in control there are more..

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gun Control

Well there's been another mass shooting that's made the headlines in Oregon..
and right out of the gate,  the POTUS calls for more gun control.
Yet days after, those in his party starts beating the drum for more gun control
and some lay out different "feel good" things to change how and who can get a gun.
Starting with background checks for all gun purchases. and limited ammo purchases,
and other crazy suggestions, including Australia style gun control..
according to one website, it's not working so well,  it doesn't sound good in the US media
or fit the dems agenda..
Here is a link, you decide..   /australian-gun-ban-facts-statistics.html
I personally don't believe that gun bans are a "fix all" more of a gun grab.
if you look at Illinois, Washington DC, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, they have some of
the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, and yet they have some of the highest gun violence deaths
in the nation, but for the most part that doesn't get any media air time.
in a recent weekend on the south side of Chicago, there were 26 shooting.  one a young mother and her two children were just walking down the street and were gunned down by a drive-by shooting..
10 other's wounded.. who the hell does stuff like that? I'd bet the gunmen didn't obtain their guns
legally, nor were they upstanding members of the community..
This was reported in the media and was gone in two days..  not sensationalized like the Oregon shooting or the Colorado movie theater shooting.. or the horrific New Town CT shooting..
But none the less it was a mass shooting..
And lets also ask where is Black Lives Matters when theirs a shooting like this?
How come they aren't out protesting in the "hood" about this? don't those Black lives matter also?
or is it just when it's about the Police, or they feel wronged out in the rest of the world,
but in the "hood"  it's just business as usual?
It seems that mass shootings only started happening with Columbine,
But if you look back Aug 1966 Charles Whitman opened fire from a tower at the University of Texas,
killed 13 people, from his vantage point, it took police 90 minutes to stop the carnage,
I remember the infamous Ruby Cafe shooting in 1991 where George Hennard killed 28 people just sitting there enjoying lunch..  of course he started with driving his pickup truck right into the restaurant, then got out and started shooting.
Makes you wonder what pushes people over the edge to the point they feel the need to do such a
horrific thing?
There has to be some kind of mental breakdown for these people to think that they need to do this.
I guess you can put them in the same category as a serial killer.. except they do their's in one
big flame of glory where as the serial killer can do their's over a longer period.
Taking guns out of the hands of the rest of us honest hard working people because of a few long nuts, it not the answer..
One of the things I want to add to all of this is, the one thing more of the mass killings have in common is the shooters have a captive, unarmed audience,
whether it is a theater, school or a church, the people there are unarmed.
Charleston SC shooting,  were just some people their having a bible study
and some asshole who decided he didn't like black people, went in a killed a few..
innocent UNARMED God Fearing people,  funny thing was, because he had a Confederate
flag in his car, the media jumped on the band wagon and blamed the flag, and the gun!
They can't call it for what it was, just simple hate..
The same happened a couple of years ago when the asshole shot up a meeting of Sikh's in Milwaukee WI. All because they met to worship in the way they want..
But a gathering of unarmed people these days is what the mass shooters are looking for,
that way the people can't fire back.
A few years back at a church in Colorado Springs some guy showed up at a mega church planing to kill some church going people,thinking he had an unarmed audience,
What he found they had was a armed security, all concealed, but armed..
The guy lost his life, and because of the armed security no one was harmed..
Maybe rather politicians standing on their soap box hollering for more gun control
should really stop at look at the cause..  nope... cant to that! because that doesn't get them votes.
I don't think we are ever going to be able to stop those that want to destroy human life and go
down in some blaze of glory, but we really need a way to defend ourselves from those
who want to try.
Bottom line is, no matter how restrictive the gun laws are, people who are bent on mass killings
will find a way, The Boston Bomber are a good example, they used home made bombs to kill.
And maybe the media and the left should focus on stopping the high murder rates they are
experiencing and quit ignoring those in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and other places like those,
because those people's lives matter also.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Court: Second Amendment also covers those in US illegally

This recent headline in Yahoo news has caught my attention..
and things like this really make me stop and say huh?  or WTF?
You are in the US illegally, and some how you have the same rights if not more than
someone who is here legally?
Here is the link to the story.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


So one day recently my caught a headline about one Minneapolis Police Officer who wrote
the most tickets, and so I clicked on the link and it lead me to mprnews.org
And an article about an evil a white cop had been writing tickets to mostly black people..
the article insinuated he was targeting blacks..
But actually his beat is predominately black and other minorities..  well DUH!
Then the article went on to talk about one black lady he wrote up several times and
towed her car because she was driving around without a valid drivers license, expired tabs and
no insurance.
One would reason that if you got caught once for this, you'd get it all taken care of so you
didn't have the expense of the tickets or the tow and impound fees..
Nope, this poor black victim was a slow learner, the article says it happened to her multiple
times, but some how she is the victim!
How is she the victim? because she is black and the mean old white police officer was
just out to get her?
How many of you feel you can intentionally drive around without a current drivers license, no insurance and expired tags?
Sure, there are times we forget about renewing the license plate, and sometimes you notice it
after 6 months,  but it isn't intentional, and there is always a friendly police officer out there
that is willing to stop you and remind you,  and be so nice as to write you a ticket to remind
you to get it taken care of!  
Years ago, I realized on my birthday my drivers license expired, so during my lunch break
I ran down to renew it, and the asshole at motor vehicle dept felt it was his job to berate me
for driving on an expired DL..  of course he had to do that after standing in line for over an hour..
But with all the endorsement on my DL, (CDL, with tanker, motorcycle, hazmat)  I don't want any lapse in coverage because it seems most officers see that and feel I need a lecture.  but I regress.
I guess what I am saying is, since when is it OK to ignore the law because of the color of
your skin? and that somehow your are the victim.
I've never got a ticket I haven't deserved,
Keep it up far left leaning media,  you is fanning the flames of a race war..

Here is the link  http://www.mprnews.org/story/2015/07/31/killebrew

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Democrats, the media and Gun Control

So this past week another asshole with a mental disorder goes to a AME Church in Charleston SC
and decided to go in an kill Black people because they are Black!
Last count there was 9 people killed..
9 people who were there for a bible study were killed because of the color of their skin..
at least that's what the media is reporting it is..
Unfortunately, racism isn't dead,  but there are people of all colors of skin who are racist,
white people don't own it themselves.
and what does obama do? comes out and says his heart goes out to them, but there needs to be more
done to ban guns.. those evil gun did this and they need to be banned.
Really?  that would have solves the issue?  then why couldn't this killer just waited in his car and mowed even more down?
Typical liberal bullshit spin..   thanks obama for your great leadership..
He and sharpton and jackson are nothing more than race haters..

Unfortunately, there is a day coming because of the race hustler and the leftist media
that like to fan the flames and create conflict. (all trying to make money off of it)
There will be another civil war, but it's going to be a race war,
the minorities who have been listening to the bullshit from these race hustlers
and believing that they are not only owed a government check (welfare)
but some how everyone has wronged them and they are going to go take whats owed them.
I've worked hard to earn everything I own..  nobody ever gave me a car or a motorcycle..
well I did get a free car once, but I literally screwed a young lady out of it.. back in the 70's.
She had a old ford falcon sitting in her parent backyard,  and I needed a car..
of course we were dating at the time, and her and her parents thought it was going to lead to
something else..  I wasnt having any of that! but that's a different story!

There's a war coming, and the dems, the liberal media and the race hustlers are the ones
that are to blame for it..
That's how I see it.. and now it's time to head to Gander Mountain and stock up on more ammo!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Recently my wife and me took a road trip to Sioux Falls SD to actually see the falls.
There really are falls there!  lol
For years I have ridden a motorcycle or drove a semi through Sioux Falls, SD but other than
stopping for gas and maybe get something to eat, Sioux Falls has only meant one thing to me..
that I had 5-6 more hours of pounding pavement to get to the other side of the state.
and I just suffered through riding I-90 in Southern MN. which is one crappy piece of interstate.
But Sioux Falls is really a nice place to visit..
Falls Park is a cool place to walk around, check out the ruins of an old mill,
the water falls which I would really love to see have a good rain.
But it was a good to spend an afternoon..
We would have probably spent the night, but most of the "sub $100" motel rooms were taken due to
Cultural Fest that was going on at the park.
While there we watched an Indian Dance and a small Indian band playing..
The two things about the dance that stands out in my memory is, first these dancers
where in full costume and putting on a great performance in 80 degree weather and high humidity..
and the guy playing the drum for their group.
He would slam a drum stick that looked like a club on something the size of a kettle drum.
and the energy the drummer exerted with if beat was amazing..
The one thing I would suggest is, to check out Falls Park in Sioux Falls SD if you like water falls.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Well, it's been a while since I posted, but in Mid-April I took a long weekend ride,
one of those I have dreamed about for a long time,
I walked out of work at noon on a Wednesday, let me add that at 11:45a my Manager walked
into my room and told me to shut down and get out!  lol
I walked out right at noon, and headed south,  made it into a little town call Bethany MO
for the night.
Thursday morning I got out and high tailed it to Harrison AR.. and then south into the hills to
a little place (former tourist trap) called Marble Falls.
There's not much left except a post office, a motel and restaurant,
Met 20 other guys from a motorcycle forum, for a weekend of riding, drinking, and laughing.
it was a good time, one guy even bought a 20 pound brisket and smoked it for us.
it was a great weekend, unfortunately, it came to an end and we all shook hands and parted ways
that Sunday heading to different parts of the country,
Fought rain and winds heading home.. I was asked if I would do it again?
Hell Yeah I would! escaping work for a while, with 5 months of long hours, lots of stress,
it was something I needed to reduce the stress.