Tuesday, December 15, 2015

When the Government tells poor people how to live

I recently stumbled across an article in "The Atlantic"  titled "When the Government tells poor people how to live"
and ok,  this has caught my attention..
In Worcester MA.. it seems the head of the housing authority has been "encouraging" people to
improve their situation..
it you want an apartment, or want to stay in public housing, you now have to get a job or go back to school to better yourself.
First off..  it's a shocker that any government official would want you to improve yourself..
instead of just offering you more free government assistance...
But to also assign the residents with counselor to help with getting education and work with them
to make better life choices.. (God knows I could have used one of them a time or two!)
Some of the residents resented the push to improve their place in life..
Others according to the article was the push they needed to improve themselves
and not just suck on the government tit..
and there are some who's self esteem is so low they just wont improve their place in life,
I suspect all through history there were those at the bottom of society that never want to improve.
As I read the article, I was first thinking YES! it's about time something like this happened!
Even if it was in a liberal waste land..   and run by a Democrat!   that truly is a shocker in itself.
I applaud Ray Mariano for stepping up and pushing this program..
People need a hand up, not a continuous hand out..
and there are people that just need a push in the right direction to make something of themselves
and become a productive member of society..
Now come the other side of this..   I was excited to read about this and I hope it helps alot of people.
but then I become concerned about the over reach of government and the possibility of someday,
they start doing "job assignment" which in my opinion would be another form of socialism..
But in the meantime I want to applaud Mr Mariano for this efforts to give a hand up, and not another hand out.
here is the article..When the Government tells poor people how to live  

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