Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Not even sure how to title this

This is one of those posts that is hard to come up with a title..
Maybe as I hammer this out I will figure out a title..
This has probably happened to lots of people,
But I want to take a moment and thank the guy who pushed me in a different direction.
Back 23yrs ago, after 5yrs off work for a back injury,  I found myself released to go
back to work..    and workers comp had given me 60 days to find a job or I would be cut off completely.
Spend 5yrs getting the maximum amount of work comp and not having to pay taxes,
knowing that even if you didnt get out of bed that day, you would still see a paycheck that
Friday..  it's easy to get addicted to the handout..
And hard to go back to work!
I remember looking at the ad's in the paper.. (this was pre-internet days)
and calling about different jobs, filling out job applications..
Even for contract jobs.  I needed something,  I had 3 young kids to feed and clothe along with
a house payment..  and I was getting desperate..  most places you apply at, they would ask why I didn't work for the past 5yrs..  and I'd explain about the back injury and the back surgeries and
that was a job killer..  now, the work comp insurance company and my former employer weren't
interested in paying some truck driver to get re-educated..  I would have to take them back to court..
That was money I didn't have..
So as I pounded the pavement looking for a job..   I was at one contract company applying for a
factory job in a foundry...   as I talked with the guy at the temp agency,  he told me he had something
better for me.. as long as I could type,,   and that it would be a better fit..
The job was taking inbound orders for Fingerhut..for Christmas...   I worked there for 6 weeks,
taking orders,  listening to some who just had to order another item they saw in the catalog
and they had just enough room on the credit card to get it..   man that was really sad to listen to.
But that order taking job, helped me land a better order taking job that was full-time..
That full time job after a year, gave me the experience to jump to the next level of
customer service, where I learned about pagers and customer service,
which after 2yrs at the paging company, I landed a job with a large Medical Device Manufacture taking phone calls in their answering service. along the way I picked up a few computer skills
since I had gone from dumb terminals to pc's.. (WIN 3.11 DOS 6.0)
Once in the Medical Device Manufacture, I picked up some more skills and so I was
fixing the computers for the area,  I had become the department tech..
mostly by defragging computers and cleaning temp files..
Such simple things but it was enough to impress management, that I needed to be hired full-time..
1 ended up in IT when they rolled out laptops to the sales force and supported the Sales Force for 6yrs before my supervisor at the time decided I was needed to be a full time desktop support tech..
where I stayed for 16yrs.. before jumping to another Medical Device Company where there were more opportunities to move forward.
But I really want to do is say "Thank You!"  to the person who directed me to the job at Fingerhut
rather than just filling as spot in the factory job..
I really have to give this person credit in helping me get to where I am today..

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