Monday, October 19, 2015

Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose?

Now that the fall riding season is upon us, and depending on the weather.
it can be short or a nice long fall riding season.

But because it's now mid-October I have decided to start running non-oxygenated
gas to make sure I have all the gas with ethanol run out of of my tank because
it's hard on the injectors and the rubber gaskets.
Plus gas with ethanol has a short shelf life.. and just because Stabil makes the claim
it solves that issue, they wont pay to get your carbs overhauled or your injectors fixed.
Good luck proving their product was at fault.
But I digress..    yesterday while out riding,  I thought about the gas station near my home
that sells non-oxygenated gas and since it a one hose per pump,
it pumps oxygenated and non-oxygenated gas through the same hose.
So I looked it up and got an answer of  1/3rd of a gallon..
Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose

So, I guess I am going to have to look at getting my non-oxygenated gas at a nearby
Kwik Trip that has separate hoses if I want to make sure to keep ethanol out of
my tank..
Just one of those weird thoughts that bounce through my head as I wander around on two wheels!

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