Saturday, October 10, 2015

Gun Control PT 2

In my last post, I talked about the Oregon shooting and the POTUS talking more gun control before the bodies were even cold.
And those on the left with their "feel good" ideas of gun registration..

Here are two examples of mass killings with out using gun, and those calling for gun control
forget what Tim McVeigh did back in 1995  Oklahoma_City_bombing

On October 10, 2015 on MSN there is a story of 85 killed in two different blasts..
blasts-in-ankara-turkey kill-at-least-86
What I am saying is gun control that the POTUS and the left and the liberal media want will
not stop the mass killings..
Not when you have people with an agenda, mental illness, things like this will happen,
What I do find interesting is more of this happens when there is a Liberal is the POTUS..
Look at the mass shooting when Clinton was in office, and now Obama..
Yes, under Bush II there was a mass shootings, but when the left is in control there are more..

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