Saturday, June 20, 2015

Democrats, the media and Gun Control

So this past week another asshole with a mental disorder goes to a AME Church in Charleston SC
and decided to go in an kill Black people because they are Black!
Last count there was 9 people killed..
9 people who were there for a bible study were killed because of the color of their skin..
at least that's what the media is reporting it is..
Unfortunately, racism isn't dead,  but there are people of all colors of skin who are racist,
white people don't own it themselves.
and what does obama do? comes out and says his heart goes out to them, but there needs to be more
done to ban guns.. those evil gun did this and they need to be banned.
Really?  that would have solves the issue?  then why couldn't this killer just waited in his car and mowed even more down?
Typical liberal bullshit spin..   thanks obama for your great leadership..
He and sharpton and jackson are nothing more than race haters..

Unfortunately, there is a day coming because of the race hustler and the leftist media
that like to fan the flames and create conflict. (all trying to make money off of it)
There will be another civil war, but it's going to be a race war,
the minorities who have been listening to the bullshit from these race hustlers
and believing that they are not only owed a government check (welfare)
but some how everyone has wronged them and they are going to go take whats owed them.
I've worked hard to earn everything I own..  nobody ever gave me a car or a motorcycle..
well I did get a free car once, but I literally screwed a young lady out of it.. back in the 70's.
She had a old ford falcon sitting in her parent backyard,  and I needed a car..
of course we were dating at the time, and her and her parents thought it was going to lead to
something else..  I wasnt having any of that! but that's a different story!

There's a war coming, and the dems, the liberal media and the race hustlers are the ones
that are to blame for it..
That's how I see it.. and now it's time to head to Gander Mountain and stock up on more ammo!

1 comment:

  1. Ive been telling people that another civil war is coming for years!
