Sunday, June 14, 2015

Recently my wife and me took a road trip to Sioux Falls SD to actually see the falls.
There really are falls there!  lol
For years I have ridden a motorcycle or drove a semi through Sioux Falls, SD but other than
stopping for gas and maybe get something to eat, Sioux Falls has only meant one thing to me..
that I had 5-6 more hours of pounding pavement to get to the other side of the state.
and I just suffered through riding I-90 in Southern MN. which is one crappy piece of interstate.
But Sioux Falls is really a nice place to visit..
Falls Park is a cool place to walk around, check out the ruins of an old mill,
the water falls which I would really love to see have a good rain.
But it was a good to spend an afternoon..
We would have probably spent the night, but most of the "sub $100" motel rooms were taken due to
Cultural Fest that was going on at the park.
While there we watched an Indian Dance and a small Indian band playing..
The two things about the dance that stands out in my memory is, first these dancers
where in full costume and putting on a great performance in 80 degree weather and high humidity..
and the guy playing the drum for their group.
He would slam a drum stick that looked like a club on something the size of a kettle drum.
and the energy the drummer exerted with if beat was amazing..
The one thing I would suggest is, to check out Falls Park in Sioux Falls SD if you like water falls.

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