Thursday, November 10, 2016

Son dies robbing a Pizza Hut and Mom wants Employee who killed him charged

I know losing your child is a pain no parent should have to go through,
whether your child is a kid or an adult,
But sometimes out children make some bad choices and pay the ultimate penalty.
I'm just glad non of mine did..  and I have made plenty!
But I have never pointed a gun at anyone and tried to rob them.
But in a recent story in the Washington Post.. there is a story about a Mother
who's son seem to make alot of bad choices,  first to make a couple of babies
with some woman and not have a way to be a man and pay for these children.
Yes, another one of those stories of some idiot making babies and not being responsible
for them,
But according to the story Michael Grace Jr, had held several menial jobs and was fired from
a Pizza Hut,  which led him down the path to his demise..
The don't say why his was fired, but his employment was termed..
But this genius decided that he needed money..  so he and two other decided they
would rob this Pizza Hut..  what I find interesting in this story is the writer says Mr Grace had
a pair of Air Jordans that he wore to this robbery..
Now, I dont know how he came to own a pair of them,  but I am going to assume he purchased them.
But if you are about homeless, you can't hold a job, and you have two children you should be
supporting,  how does one afford a pair of Air Jordan's?  but I digress,,
Mr Grace and his two friend enter the Pizza Hut he used to work and a gun was pointed
at the employee's at this Pizza Hut,  unfortunately, Mr Grace and his buddies weren't expecting
one of these employee's to point one back at them and actually use it!  Oh SNAP!
Mr Grace caught a bullet from this employee's gun.
What the story doesn't tell is if the Pizza Hut employee has a conceal carry permit.
Chances are the employee does..   but normally the left leaning media likes to jump all over that
and paint them as the bad person. but again I digress.
Mr Grace died right then and there..   no second, third or fiftieth chance for Mr Grace to
turn his life around.. its over for him.
Pizza Hut Company Policy according to this story is, the employee's are not allow to have a firearm
on the premise. so the employee who shot and killed Mr Grace may lose his job,
But at least he and his co-workers have their lives.
But now Mr Grace's mother, who is in pain for losing her son, wants the person who killed
her son in the commission of a crime charged with murder.
Her son needed help, not killing..    he need to go to prison,  not to the cemetery.
I understand her pain, she lost her son.. someone she gave birth to and loved...
But lady.. how would you feel if your son killed that employee?  or as long as it's not your child
its ok?
I guess in my world,  you pull a gun and point it at another human, you are meaning to use it
and that means the person has a right to defend them self.
Maybe Mr Grace's  mom did everything she could to raise him up right,
But Mr Grace decided to take and follow another path, and unfortunately this path
led to his demise..
Her son died robbing a Pizza Hut

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