Sunday, November 20, 2016

Has the Left lost their minds?

The election is over and the "Anointed One"  Hillary Clinton did not get elected no matter
how hard the main stream media worked to get her elected,
and now the left is in full on panic mode.
Funny thing is, I remember the media talking heads kept reminding us (or lecturing us)
that even though Trump could win the popular vote,  Hillary could will the electoral vote.
They never said it the other way..
But then again, most of the media outlets were in the Clinton camp.
There were even reports the week before the election the Clinton Campaign has reserved
a barge in NYC Harbor and scheduled a fireworks show celebrating Hillary's win
for 10p EST the night of the election.  so much for that celebration.
But the media should have warned the left that Hillary could win the popular vote
but lose the electoral vote.
Now the left is protesting, burning, looting and showing their tolerance..
I love how the left is the party of tolerance as long as you agree with them.
if you think differently they go after you.. call you all kinds of names,
When Obama won the first time,  the left told us if we don't vote for Obama we were
racist.  if we didn't agree with everything Obama wanted to do were hated him because
he is black,   we weren't allowed to disagree with him..
But I digress..
The election is over, we have protests in the streets,  turned out according to some media reports
that over 50% of those protesting in Portland Oregon didnt even vote!
Schools and Colleges had to call in Crisis Teams to help the students and the staff deal
with Hillary's loss.  I do know of a High School in Richfield MN that brought in a Crisis Team for
the students and the staff right after the election..  what the hell?!
There have been reports of bringing puppies for these people to help them cope..  WTF??
The main stream media is now casting false headline out on Trump,
Reporting that he is having trouble with building a transition team,
He is appointing a known Racist/White Nationalist to his staff..  
Trump will be raising your taxes in his first 100 days..
Some of the headlines have actually had been put out there just to get you to read
their lame ass articles that haven't had anything to do with Trump or his policies.
Has the left has lost their collective minds!
Personally, they need to step back and take a collective breath and give Trump a chance..
 We put up with 8yrs of Obama and them pushing the train wreck call obamacare
that was pushed the American people without any say.
I do like Trump's slogan,  "its time to drain the swamp"
Let see if he can really get things done in DC and get rid of some of the lifers who
care less about the American People and more about making a large bank account.


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