Monday, October 19, 2015

Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose?

Now that the fall riding season is upon us, and depending on the weather.
it can be short or a nice long fall riding season.

But because it's now mid-October I have decided to start running non-oxygenated
gas to make sure I have all the gas with ethanol run out of of my tank because
it's hard on the injectors and the rubber gaskets.
Plus gas with ethanol has a short shelf life.. and just because Stabil makes the claim
it solves that issue, they wont pay to get your carbs overhauled or your injectors fixed.
Good luck proving their product was at fault.
But I digress..    yesterday while out riding,  I thought about the gas station near my home
that sells non-oxygenated gas and since it a one hose per pump,
it pumps oxygenated and non-oxygenated gas through the same hose.
So I looked it up and got an answer of  1/3rd of a gallon..
Does Fuel Get Left in the Gas Pump Hose

So, I guess I am going to have to look at getting my non-oxygenated gas at a nearby
Kwik Trip that has separate hoses if I want to make sure to keep ethanol out of
my tank..
Just one of those weird thoughts that bounce through my head as I wander around on two wheels!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Gun Control PT 2

In my last post, I talked about the Oregon shooting and the POTUS talking more gun control before the bodies were even cold.
And those on the left with their "feel good" ideas of gun registration..

Here are two examples of mass killings with out using gun, and those calling for gun control
forget what Tim McVeigh did back in 1995  Oklahoma_City_bombing

On October 10, 2015 on MSN there is a story of 85 killed in two different blasts..
blasts-in-ankara-turkey kill-at-least-86
What I am saying is gun control that the POTUS and the left and the liberal media want will
not stop the mass killings..
Not when you have people with an agenda, mental illness, things like this will happen,
What I do find interesting is more of this happens when there is a Liberal is the POTUS..
Look at the mass shooting when Clinton was in office, and now Obama..
Yes, under Bush II there was a mass shootings, but when the left is in control there are more..

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gun Control

Well there's been another mass shooting that's made the headlines in Oregon..
and right out of the gate,  the POTUS calls for more gun control.
Yet days after, those in his party starts beating the drum for more gun control
and some lay out different "feel good" things to change how and who can get a gun.
Starting with background checks for all gun purchases. and limited ammo purchases,
and other crazy suggestions, including Australia style gun control..
according to one website, it's not working so well,  it doesn't sound good in the US media
or fit the dems agenda..
Here is a link, you decide..   /australian-gun-ban-facts-statistics.html
I personally don't believe that gun bans are a "fix all" more of a gun grab.
if you look at Illinois, Washington DC, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, they have some of
the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, and yet they have some of the highest gun violence deaths
in the nation, but for the most part that doesn't get any media air time.
in a recent weekend on the south side of Chicago, there were 26 shooting.  one a young mother and her two children were just walking down the street and were gunned down by a drive-by shooting..
10 other's wounded.. who the hell does stuff like that? I'd bet the gunmen didn't obtain their guns
legally, nor were they upstanding members of the community..
This was reported in the media and was gone in two days..  not sensationalized like the Oregon shooting or the Colorado movie theater shooting.. or the horrific New Town CT shooting..
But none the less it was a mass shooting..
And lets also ask where is Black Lives Matters when theirs a shooting like this?
How come they aren't out protesting in the "hood" about this? don't those Black lives matter also?
or is it just when it's about the Police, or they feel wronged out in the rest of the world,
but in the "hood"  it's just business as usual?
It seems that mass shootings only started happening with Columbine,
But if you look back Aug 1966 Charles Whitman opened fire from a tower at the University of Texas,
killed 13 people, from his vantage point, it took police 90 minutes to stop the carnage,
I remember the infamous Ruby Cafe shooting in 1991 where George Hennard killed 28 people just sitting there enjoying lunch..  of course he started with driving his pickup truck right into the restaurant, then got out and started shooting.
Makes you wonder what pushes people over the edge to the point they feel the need to do such a
horrific thing?
There has to be some kind of mental breakdown for these people to think that they need to do this.
I guess you can put them in the same category as a serial killer.. except they do their's in one
big flame of glory where as the serial killer can do their's over a longer period.
Taking guns out of the hands of the rest of us honest hard working people because of a few long nuts, it not the answer..
One of the things I want to add to all of this is, the one thing more of the mass killings have in common is the shooters have a captive, unarmed audience,
whether it is a theater, school or a church, the people there are unarmed.
Charleston SC shooting,  were just some people their having a bible study
and some asshole who decided he didn't like black people, went in a killed a few..
innocent UNARMED God Fearing people,  funny thing was, because he had a Confederate
flag in his car, the media jumped on the band wagon and blamed the flag, and the gun!
They can't call it for what it was, just simple hate..
The same happened a couple of years ago when the asshole shot up a meeting of Sikh's in Milwaukee WI. All because they met to worship in the way they want..
But a gathering of unarmed people these days is what the mass shooters are looking for,
that way the people can't fire back.
A few years back at a church in Colorado Springs some guy showed up at a mega church planing to kill some church going people,thinking he had an unarmed audience,
What he found they had was a armed security, all concealed, but armed..
The guy lost his life, and because of the armed security no one was harmed..
Maybe rather politicians standing on their soap box hollering for more gun control
should really stop at look at the cause..  nope... cant to that! because that doesn't get them votes.
I don't think we are ever going to be able to stop those that want to destroy human life and go
down in some blaze of glory, but we really need a way to defend ourselves from those
who want to try.
Bottom line is, no matter how restrictive the gun laws are, people who are bent on mass killings
will find a way, The Boston Bomber are a good example, they used home made bombs to kill.
And maybe the media and the left should focus on stopping the high murder rates they are
experiencing and quit ignoring those in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and other places like those,
because those people's lives matter also.