Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Court: Second Amendment also covers those in US illegally

This recent headline in Yahoo news has caught my attention..
and things like this really make me stop and say huh?  or WTF?
You are in the US illegally, and some how you have the same rights if not more than
someone who is here legally?
Here is the link to the story.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


So one day recently my caught a headline about one Minneapolis Police Officer who wrote
the most tickets, and so I clicked on the link and it lead me to
And an article about an evil a white cop had been writing tickets to mostly black people..
the article insinuated he was targeting blacks..
But actually his beat is predominately black and other minorities..  well DUH!
Then the article went on to talk about one black lady he wrote up several times and
towed her car because she was driving around without a valid drivers license, expired tabs and
no insurance.
One would reason that if you got caught once for this, you'd get it all taken care of so you
didn't have the expense of the tickets or the tow and impound fees..
Nope, this poor black victim was a slow learner, the article says it happened to her multiple
times, but some how she is the victim!
How is she the victim? because she is black and the mean old white police officer was
just out to get her?
How many of you feel you can intentionally drive around without a current drivers license, no insurance and expired tags?
Sure, there are times we forget about renewing the license plate, and sometimes you notice it
after 6 months,  but it isn't intentional, and there is always a friendly police officer out there
that is willing to stop you and remind you,  and be so nice as to write you a ticket to remind
you to get it taken care of!  
Years ago, I realized on my birthday my drivers license expired, so during my lunch break
I ran down to renew it, and the asshole at motor vehicle dept felt it was his job to berate me
for driving on an expired DL..  of course he had to do that after standing in line for over an hour..
But with all the endorsement on my DL, (CDL, with tanker, motorcycle, hazmat)  I don't want any lapse in coverage because it seems most officers see that and feel I need a lecture.  but I regress.
I guess what I am saying is, since when is it OK to ignore the law because of the color of
your skin? and that somehow your are the victim.
I've never got a ticket I haven't deserved,
Keep it up far left leaning media,  you is fanning the flames of a race war..

Here is the link