Sunday, May 24, 2015

Well, it's been a while since I posted, but in Mid-April I took a long weekend ride,
one of those I have dreamed about for a long time,
I walked out of work at noon on a Wednesday, let me add that at 11:45a my Manager walked
into my room and told me to shut down and get out!  lol
I walked out right at noon, and headed south,  made it into a little town call Bethany MO
for the night.
Thursday morning I got out and high tailed it to Harrison AR.. and then south into the hills to
a little place (former tourist trap) called Marble Falls.
There's not much left except a post office, a motel and restaurant,
Met 20 other guys from a motorcycle forum, for a weekend of riding, drinking, and laughing.
it was a good time, one guy even bought a 20 pound brisket and smoked it for us.
it was a great weekend, unfortunately, it came to an end and we all shook hands and parted ways
that Sunday heading to different parts of the country,
Fought rain and winds heading home.. I was asked if I would do it again?
Hell Yeah I would! escaping work for a while, with 5 months of long hours, lots of stress,
it was something I needed to reduce the stress.